The 1st year: SPL startup and SPSC. 建構實驗室與規劃太空電漿模擬艙。
- Setup space payload laboratory: We had started up the space payload laboratory at room S4-805-1 in Graduate Institute of Space Science, National Central University and conformed regulations of school in utilities, like water supply, electricity, hood, gate security.
設立太空酬載實驗室: 我們已在太空科學研究所內設立太空酬載實驗室。依照學校實驗室環境保護與安全衛生之規範,完成實驗室的水電,通風櫥與門禁管制等基礎設施。 - Design and order space plasma simulation chamber: Space plasma simulation chamber is one of the most important facilities in space payload laboratory. The plasma payload can be tested and calibrated inside the chamber with plasma release. Through the help of Prof. Minami, Osaka City University, we had ordered one chamber according to our design.
設計與採購太空電漿模擬艙: 太空電漿模擬艙為太空酬載實驗室最重要之實驗設備。我們所購買或製作的電漿量測酬載可在模擬艙內進行測試與校正。透過日本大阪市立大學電機系南繁行教授的協助,完成太空電漿模擬艙的設計與採購。